Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Swimming in the Indian Ocean

The weather here is very consistent at the moment; the high is around 81-85 every day and the low about 67-70 every night. It might be a little cloudier, sunnier, windier or more or less humid on a given day, but that is the extent of the variation. The last two days have been a bit cloudy and quite windy by the end of the day. It has also been very high tide by the end of the day and so when we finally break from the workshop at 5, Mave and Kuno are eager to hit the beach, which is our backyard. Last week they were walking out to sand bars and this week they are riding the waves. Indeed, the waves are so strong that they would be pulled down the shore and have to run back and recenter themselves. Aili's son Max (and her husband) are away the first few days of this week so Mave and Kuno have had to entertain themselves all day, mostly hanging out in the lobby or the room with their electronics.

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