Saturday, July 31, 2010


We learned so much about coconuts on our trip to Zanzibar, primarily in Brejuu. As noted, it seemed we drove through forests of towering coconut palms. We wondered, of course, how one gets the coconuts down, only to have that demonstrated while at the Palm Beach Inn. Then we learned of all the things that are done with coconuts. The husks can be used to make rope for thatching roofs, after a coconut has been softened by being buried in the sea for a month. The huge fronds can be used to make fences. The delicious meat of the coconut can be ground and used for sauces in cooking and used to make a coconut oil that can be used for many things. The coconut shells can be used to make necklaces and other jewelry. And there is another piece that can be used as a broom! Kuno has enjoyed picking up fallen coconuts at Kunduchi and trying to open them.

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