Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Opening Reception

Monday began our first day of the workshop with introduction of participants and introduction to the material in the morning. We are 18 junior African scholars from around the continent and four US based graduate students as well as the four directors. In the afternoon we had our first excursion - to the Mlimani City mall, to stock up on provisions, and to the University of Dar es Salaam for the Opening Reception. The reception was held at the Vice-Chancellor's house, though he is not around. There was a DJ and lots of dancing. Also drinks and snacks offered around. We have a bus to transport us here and there and get to see lots of the city from the large windows; Dar es Salaam is such a busy and interesting place! There is so much activity at all hours of the day or night. Our bus is even air conditioned so we move in great comfort. The weather is warm and somewhat humid but not nearly as warm as earlier in the year.

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