Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mikumi National Park

Well, we had two quite amazing game drives – in our own vehicles but with a guide – at Mikumi National Park, one on Friday evening and the other early Saturday morning. On Friday evening we had the surprise of our lives as we came within feet of two pairs of lions. Remarkably, they did not seem too bothered by us. We were all quite enthralled as we watched them from the open windows of our bus. They were definitely the highlight of the Friday evening drive, though we also spotted a leopard languishing in a tree. On Saturday we enjoyed a four hour game drive and saw a large number of animals: two different kinds of small antelope, many giraffe, small herds of elephant, larger herds of buffalo and wildebeest, baboons, and a couple of hippos enjoying a bath. We saw many, many different birds large and small. Mikumi is Tanzania’s fourth largest national park and it was well worth the trip. Many of our participants had never been to a game park so it was especially fun for them.

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