Monday, July 19, 2010

Kunduchi Beach Hotel and Resort

We arrived in Dar on Sunday evening around 7:30 pm and were greeted by Happiness and a driver from the Gender Centre who drove us to the hotel. Helena and I had visited here in March and picked this hotel, on the advice of others, from a group of possibilities. Online reviews were not that good but our first 24 hours have been just fine. We had a choice of rooms and they put in an extra bed for us which was very nice. Kuno immediately went out exploring in the dark with Aili's son Max. This morning we launched the workshop and the kids tried out the Water Park. They were not at all impressed by the Water Park - but they were thoroughly taken with the Indian Ocean and the hotel pool. Kuno collected lots of shells and best of all a hermit crab. The ocean water was as clear as could be, as warm as could be and took them out to a sand bar. Kuno has found another place that he does not want to leave.

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