Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Off to Ghana

So I am very excited to be making my first trip to West Africa! Kuno, Mave and I leave Friday, January 4th from JFK to Accra. We are going with a group of 10 UD students and colleague Kara Ellerby. I am essentially tagging along on one of our study abroad trips after we did not get enough students for both of us to go 'officially.' But I will still teach two thirds of a class and otherwise participate as normal. Kuno and Mave will stay for one week and I for a little over two. Packing has been easy as all we need are summer clothes; it will be quite warm and dry the whole time we are there. Ghana has just finished presidential and parliamentary elections. An inauguration may be taking place while we are there though the presidential results are being disputed at this time. Stay tuned!

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