Saturday, January 5, 2013

Akwaaba: Welcome to Ghana

So we went from about 30 degrees F in NYC to about 30 degrees C in Accra in 10 hours. The Delta flight was uneventful if not very nice. Once at Kotoka International Airport in Accra, still decorated in red and green for Christmas, we stood in long lines with other university groups. Fortunately, our guide Ernest was there to meet us with a very nice bus which we loaded high with our luggage in true African style.
After depositing our things at our 'lodge' we went to Accra Mall, Accra's largest mall not far from where we are staying. We could have been at Mlimani Mall in Dar es Salaam or Game City in Gaborone. All the usual South African retailers and services. We did the usual - get some money (cedis) from the ATMs, of which there were many, and buy a few snacks or groceries at Shoprite. Then we traveled back to Yiri Lodge where we are staying and which we like very much. Yiri Lodge is part of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana, Legon. It caters to groups and conferences and has very nice facilities. We have seen a bit of the campus so far and saw a very large swimming pool as well. We are all a bit exhausted but looking forward to seeing some sights in Accrra tomorrow!

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