Friday, January 11, 2013

Coconut Grove Beach Resort

We are staying for two nights at the Coconut Grove Beach Resort, right on the Atlantic Ocean and just beyond Elmina. It is very nice, with lots of coconut trees everywhere. It is not very crowded, mostly a group from Barclay's Bank Ghana and a few others are around, though things could liven up on the weekend. We are here with our friend Peace Medie, whom we know from the 2010 APSA Africa Workshop in Dar es Salaam. In the evening it has been high tide and there is a nice breeze; though in not very long one also feels sticky, presumably from the salt. Kuno is having a blast in the waves and playing pingpong and walking along the beach is fun as well. The food is fine and we have finally even tried Ghanaian chocolate - a brand called Golden Tree. It seems to have much less of either sugar or fat, or maybe both, than the chocolate we are used to. There is lots of fishing activity around us - large groups of men pulling in vast nets on ropes by hand or fishing boats heading out to sea at dusk (just as they did in Dar es Salaam) to attract fish with lights - and then return again in the early morning.

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