Monday, August 2, 2010

Fishing in Tanzania

Every morning when I get up around 6 and wander out to the grand, open hotel lobby that looks directly out onto the sea I see boatloads of people coming ashore nearby. I have been wondering the whole time what exactly is going on with these boats. Then this evening as Mave and Kuno were taking a late swim I saw boatloads of between 15 and 30 men per boat going out to sea and could not imagine what they were doing or where they were going as the sun was setting. Well, we informed ourselves and it turns out that the local fishers spend their nights at sea - fishing! They will be much more likely to find fish during the night than during the day. Indeed they use lights over night to attract the fish; we were told that by midnight the shoreline would be dotted with lights. We have seen the large blue fishing nets spread out for repairs on the grounds of nearby houses as we return from our excursions. It turns out that some of the men are divers and will dive quite far down into the sea to fasten the nets. I am not exactly sure what fishes they are catching, but this is clearly their sustenance.

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