Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We had our last excursion today to Bagamoyo which is about 75 km north of Dar along the coast. It was once an Arab dominated slaving port and then a capital for the Germans during their years here. More recently it seems to be an off the beaten path tourist destination and arts center with a theater school, among other things, that attracts students from around the world. We went in order to meet with members of a network of rural women's organizations. We had an informative meeting with them in the morning followed by a nice lunch at one of the local hotels. Then we did some sightseeing, passing by what was once the FRELIMO camp in Dar and then the 13th century Kaole Ruins. From there we visited the 19th century Fort, which served variously as residence, office, prison and slave camp. We saw some of the old German colonial buildings and then passed through town on the way back to Kunduchi.

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